The Frame connects its art to its place
There are some that view the frame as a piece of art unto itself. Others see it as a lens directing the gaze, enhancing and celebrating the art within. The more practical might see it simply as a means by which to attach a picture or painting to a wall, while offering protection from the impact of its surroundings.
The Frame is all of that and more.
A frame enhances the area it surrounds. It will put that area inside the frame and take the art outside of it, allowing the piece to expand into the space. The frame is integral to connecting the art to one’s emotion and soul.
We have over 50 years of combined experience with custom framing. It’s our speciality and we’re good at it.
We enjoy helping our customers select the best frame for their work and one that makes them happy. Our range is extensive; we can do fun and edgy, contemporary, or simple and elegant. Our team has done it all.
Our materials are conservation grade and we use acid free boards and backings as well as UV protection glass to ensure the longevity of the work.
We have a long history of working with artists and galleries with framing lots of different things.
As well as original art and limited edition prints we frame photography, degrees, certificates, children’s art, embroidery, sports memorabilia, medals, and three dimensional pieces.
If you want a frame around it, we can do it for you.