We are excited to kick off our events at the gallery this year with a beautiful showcase of tapestries by emerging Auckland sustainable artist Frankie Meaden.

Frankie Meaden is an emerging artist whose large scale embroidery challenges the scale at which embroidery is usually seen. Combining her passion for art with a commitment to reducing waste, Frankie’s journey has led to creating vibrant, tactile, oversized embroideries that adorn Auckland's streets and travel as far as the United States. Frankie's art isn't just about aesthetics; it's a powerful tool to raise global environmental consciousness and to celebrate the wonder of colour and joy.

By rescuing banners and street pole flags destined for landfills, and repurposing them through intricate embroidery, Frankie's pieces aim to bring peace and joy to spaces and lives worldwide. Transforming waste materials like recycled plastic rope into artworks that stand the test of time. Her work is a global call to artists and creatives to turn waste into art, contributing to a more sustainable world. 

Frankie's first collection for 2024 is titled ‘FULL’. Each artwork is named with a different word ending in ‘ful’, from Wonderful and Thoughtful, to Graceful and Plentiful. Each piece is full of colour, full of texture, full of joy, and full to the brim with flowers.

Each piece that Frankie creates is a true labour of love, with her large scale embroderies taking Frankie over a month to complete. A selection of smaller, more intricate works will also be available as part of her showcase.

Join us for a celebratory drink from 5pm, Thursday 22nd February. Frankie will be at the opening.

IMAGES FROM OPENING NIGHT, captured by Deanna Aalys.


January 26, 2024